Palm Scanning for Grad Students Raises Fear...
... that was a title of recent article on the Toronto Star. Although, the article mainly addressed the growing fraud trends in standardized entry tests to professional schools (GMAT, MCAT, LSAT, GRE and so on...), I would love to see a spouse (boyfriend or girlfriend) attempt to give a public lecture or undertake a Master or PhD defense wearing a wig, mustache or lipstick (read the third paragraph of the article and you'll know understand what I'm talking about).
By the way, I do not agree with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada ruling people complaining that requiring digital thumbprints is an invasion of privacy; yes, obtaining fingerprints it's synonymous of criminal activity, but the goal here is to maintain the integrity of these standardized and deter cheaters.
Palm Scanning for Grad Students Raises Fear [The Toronto Star]