MBP goes bowling January 20!
Title: MBP goes bowling at Newtonbrook Bowlerama Location: 5799 Yonge Street North York, ON M2M 3V3 Description: Wednesday January 20, 2010 8 to 10pm
Newtonbrook Bowlerama (Take Yonge subway line north to Finch station, walk 5 min north to Newtonbrook plaza). For map click here.
$10 for MBP ($13 non-MBP) + shoe rentals ($3) Free Drinks and Snacks - while supplies last
Buy tickets from: PMH: Alison Aiken Alison.aiken@utoronto.ca MaRS: Shawn Stapleton s.stapleton@utoronto.ca SB: Arvin Arani arani@sri.utoronto.ca
Start Time: 20:00 Date: 2010-01-20 End Time: 22:00