Updates, opinion pieces, and news related to the department

2012/2013 Mentorship Program

First Year Reps Patrick, Mira, James and Daria are putting together this year’s Mentorship Program for incoming students. Currently, we are recruiting mentors! The Mentorship Program helps new students with the transition from their undergraduate programs and provides them with a go-to person in the department immediately upon arrival. Furthermore, the program provides mentee support during scholarship application and seminar preparation time, two major and sometimes daunting events in a student's academic year. As a mentor, you would be paired with a mentee who would then be given your contact information. Common questions include rotations (for biology students), seminars, what classes to take, picking a committee and prepping for the first meeting and, most importantly, getting involved in the department.

If you’re interested in being a mentor for this year’s program, sign up here.

We need students enthusiastic about becoming mentors! Contact Patrick, James, Mira, and Daria if you have any questions about the mentorship program.

[Thanks to Jen and Jenny 2011/2012 Mentorship Program coordinators for the structure of this post]

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