Updates, opinion pieces, and news related to the department

2011/2012 Mentorship Program

First Year Reps Jenny Hong and Jen Teichman are putting together this year's Mentorship Program for incoming students, and we're looking for Mentors among in-course students! The Mentorship Program is meant to help new students with the transition from their undergraduate programs and to provide them with a go-to person in the department immediately upon arrival. As a mentor, you would be paired with a mentee who would then be given your contact information. At that point, the incoming student may want to ask you questions on rotations (for biology students), seminars, classes, getting involved in the department, etc.

If you're interested in being a mentor for this year's program, sign up here .

We need all the enthusiastic mentors we can get! Contact Jen (jennifer.teichman@utoronto.ca) or Jenny (jenny.hong@utoronto.ca) if you have any questions about the mentorship program.
