The Department of Medical Biophysics (MBP) at the University of Toronto is globally recognized for its diverse approach to biomedical research, as it spans and integrates topics such as cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, cancer genomics, bioinformatics, and medical physics and imaging. Students and researchers located at the multiple affiliated institutions across the city are poised to advance the field of medical research in a collaborative, cross-disciplinary nature.
The MBP Graduate Student Association (MBPGSA) is comprised of all M.Sc. and Ph.D. graduate students in the department. The MBPGSA executive committees, localized to the downtown and uptown cores of the department, aim to provide students with the resources to thrive in their transition from undergraduate to graduate life.
The MBPGSA executives and its organizing committees plan various academic, social, and philanthropic events, and career development initiatives throughout the year. This website is an essential tool to stay up-to-date with the happenings of the MBPGSA.
MBPGSA Calendar